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Specialty Fit Contacts

With the use of new technology, we are able to restore vision in many individuals who are not able to achieve acceptable vision with traditional eyeglasses or contact lenses.

These custom fits entail more time working with the doctor, however it will allow better vision for patients with certain eye conditions. High astigmatism, keratoconus, pellucids, or corneal transplants often times can be visually debilitating. Dr. Nguyen is able to give her patients with complex vision several choices to improve their eyesight. She has been very successful at fitting scleral contact lenses, soft novakone lenses, and hybrid lenses. Custom lenses give patients comfortable clear vision that was thought to be once impossible.

Scleral Contacts

Scleral gas permeable lenses are lenses that offer patients with corneal conditions like keratoconus, pellucids, dry eyes, and scarred corneas a new way to see clear again. They are very similar to traditional rigid gas permeable (RGP) lenses, but they are larger in width and more comfortable. These contacts float over the cornea and gently rests on the whites of the eyes. The space between the contact lens and the cornea is filled with preservative free saline, corrects irregular astigmatism, and allows the patient to achieve better vision.


Another option for patients who suffer from keratoconus, pellucids, and irregular astigmatism is the Novakone lens. Many of the previously mentioned conditions will not allow patients to wear traditional RGP or soft contact lenses to obtain acceptable vision. Novakone’s technology modifies the way their soft contact lens forms on the eye to improve vision with better comfort.

Hybrid Lenses/Synergeyes/Duette Lenses

These lenses are a blend between a traditional RGP hard lens and a soft lens. The center of the contact lens is rigid and has a soft skirt made out of a soft contact lens. This gives the patient the crisp vision of an RGP and the comfort of a soft lens.

Regardless of the type of contact lenses you wear, an annual eye exam is recommended to ensure the continued good health of your eyes. Schedule an appointment for an assessment and advice at EyeScript Vision Care in Spring, and we will be in touch with you shortly.